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" I mean to make myself a man, and if I succeed in that, I succeed in everything else. "

Bang - By Roosh (Book)

Posted on December 10 2014 by Nirvana Shinsei in Articles

First and foremost, he does what he wants to do. He does not concern himself with personal rejection or social failure. He does not worry about what other people think of him. His needs, wants, and feelings come before anyone else's. No one's judgments, dirty looks, opinions or laughter is going to stop him from getting what he wants. He does not ask for permission. If he wants to have sex with a girl, he will use his knowledge and skills to try to have sex with her. His actions stem from desire instead of insecurity.

The alpha male does not qualify himself. He does not explain his faults or failures. He accepts himself, for better or worse. He does not brag about his success. He does not need to be validated by a woman because he knows that she cannot give him what he can't give himself. Criticism or praise has only temporary effect on him because he has already accepted his strengths and weaknesses.

The alpha male does not care about what other people think of him. He presents himself in a way that makes him feel most comfortable. He picks up on something because he likes it and fits him best, not because it's a trend or something he is 'supposed' to do. He does not look in the mirror every ten minutes to fix his hair. He does not concern himself with getting fake tans or body hair waxes.

The alpha male does not make apologies for being a man who has sexual needs. He does not hide his intentions with women, so that they know and are able to provide him with what he wants. If a woman is not comfortable with sex, he will move on and find one that is. He is not going to wait for a woman to serve his needs. He is not concerned if a woman rejects him in the bedroom-if he does not get it from her, he will get it from someone else. As a sexual being he expect women to be sexual as well.

The alpha male lives in his own reality. He leads interactions in a way that he prefers by controlling the tempo and initiating the escalations. He believes it is in a woman's nature to submit to a strong man. He understands that if he does not worry about his needs, then the girl will not worry about them either. He does not let the woman lead the interaction because it will result in her getting what she wants (attention and validation) at his expense.

The alpha male has high expectations of women. He does not do nice things for them without expecting something in return. He expects a girl who has his attention to be physically attractive, interesting, and sexually secure. If the girl told him that she will only have sex only after months of dating, he would not pursue her. He makes it clear that he is not there to service her with free alcohol or food. Everything she gets from him must be earned.

Most importantly, the alpha male must always be willing to walk away. His power over women lies in the time and energy he chooses to spend with them. He understands that this mindset will be noticed by the women he meets, who will treat him with care and respect. He makes it clear, by controlling the amount of attention he gives, that he does not tolerate disrespectful or frigid behavior. If she does not like his attitude, she is free to find someone else who will put up with her, because he knows that there are many women who do know how to behave. No matter how much work he has put in a certain woman, he will not hesitate to drop her if she is not responding in the way he wants.

The willingness to walk away, above all others, does more to tell a woman of your high value than any amount of money can. You must be prepared to follow through and fully believe you will never see or hear from her ever again because women know when you're faking it.

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